Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Long Till Spring?

I thought I would be able to get out today. I just looked out & it's snowing again! Not heavy, but there is ice on my lane & now I have snow on top of it! I probably won't be able to get any traction. I have 2 packages to get in the mail, but I don't guess that it's going to get done today! One package is for Easter & the other is for everyday so I guess another day won't matter! I am so tiered of this winter. I think everyone is, though.
                  I have soooo much to do, I really don't know where to start. I have started working on things for my Fall shows. That means I have all kinds of Halloween stuff waiting for either stuffing or painting! Check out my website in the next couple of days for new items. Hope you are all staying warm! Spring is on it's way!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Well just like most of the Midwest...we are frozen in! Even my computer (which is 9 years old) keeps freezing up! LOL. I don't guess that's from the cold weather though! I've been really busy trying to get things made up for Valentines Day & Easter. Then getting orders out & making up some special orders. Now I'm almost done! I have Fall & Halloween things cut out & some stuffed. I am planning on 6 to 8 craft shows this year, starting in August, so I better get going now to have enough inventory! I think I need some little elves to hang around after Christmas to help!
I am donating a Spring collection on Kristie Normans Blog. If you go to her blog, you can sign up for her newsletter, follow her blog & enter to win this giveaway!
                                    Here's the link: http://www.countrycraftconnection.com/

Large stuffed primitive egg, 2 chenille bunnies, & 7 rag wrapped primitive eggs.

That's about all for now, since I have to get bust sewing, stuffing & staining! Be sure to go to my website & sign up for my monthly newsletter. www.barefoothorsecandlesngifts.com
                                   Hope you are all staying warm!